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The MFE Celebration for Education 2024 takes place during the live Kentucky Derby race on May 4th. As a fundraiser, we will be selling tickets to an online Derby Squares pool. The Derby Squares pool consists of a 20-20 grid and the boxes represent the WIN and PLACE (2nd place) horses. For example, in the following squares grid if Horse #11 wins and Horse #3 places, then Leslie wins the prize. If instead Horse #3 wins and Horse #12 places, then Matt wins the prize.
● Each square cost $25.
● Individuals can purchase as many squares as they wish.
● Individuals’ names will be randomly assigned to squares when purchased.
● Horse numbers will be assigned to the grid randomly before the start of the race.
● The winner will receive half of the proceeds from the sale of squares up to $1,000.
Thank You to Our Sponsors: